The HSP Purpose Pathway™️ Membership

Achieve Balance, Success & Impact

In Your Career (on your terms).

The HSP Purpose Pathway™️ Membership

Achieve Balance, Success & Impact

In Your Career (on your terms).

~ with Career & Leadership Coach & fellow HSP & Empath

Sinéad Rafferty

It's very common ( too common!) for HSPs & Empaths to feel drained or disconnected at work

and/or to crave more freedom of expression, more impact & purpose.

Trying to function like everyone else around you can feel a bit like being a caged bird

- unable to truly shine, truly fly.

Can you relate to that?

Of course, you can push for & achieve success like everyone around you...

but if we ignore our true nature and needs, we end up paying for the hustle and grind, energetically.

But when you tap into the power of your heightened awareness,

you can unlock SO much more!

You can know the joy of true authenticity

- and just imagine how much more fulfilled & impactful you could be.

It's very common ( too common!)

for Highly Sensitive People & Empaths to feel drained and disconnected at work and/or to crave more freedom of expression, more impact & purpose.

Trying to function like everyone else around you can feel a bit like being a caged bird

- unable to truly shine, truly fly.

Can you relate to that?

Of course, you can push for & achieve success like everyone around you...

But if we ignore our true nature and needs, we end up paying for the hustle and grind, energetically.

But when you tap into the power of your heightened awareness,

you can unlock SO much more!

You can know the joy of true authenticity

- and just imagine how much more fulfilled & impactful you could be.

I see you - purpose-driven & ambitious, so you will go after what you want anyway.

When you choose to do so, without allowing space for your incredibly powerful high sensitivity

and empathic abilities, is at the expense of your wellbeing.

It is an uphill battle but it doesn't have to be that way.

I see you - purpose-driven & ambitious, so you will go after what you want anyway.

When you choose to do so, without allowing space for your incredibly powerful high sensitivity

and empathic abilities, is at the expense of your wellbeing.

It is an uphill battle but it doesn't have to be that way.

HSPs are drawn to impactful, meaningful work, but we need to work within energetic boundaries.

Studies show that your brain does respond differently, in fact; it is naturally atuned to others.

Your capacity for empathy can trip you up; with a lack of empowering boundaries, you are more susceptible to burnout.

The world needs your empathic leadership, creativity and insight but who is looking after you?

I have created a beautiful community where you will feel seen, heard, supported & empowered.

The world needs your empathic leadership, creativity and insight but who is looking after you?HSPs are drawn to impactful, meaningful work, but we need to work within energetic boundaries.

Studies show that your brain does respond differently, in fact; it is naturally atuned to others.

Your capacity for empathy can trip you up; with a lack of empowering boundaries, you are more susceptible to burnout.

The world needs your empathic leadership, creativity and insight but who is looking after you?

I have created a beautiful community where you will feel seen, heard, supported & empowered.

The Top 2 Reasons Why HSPs & Empaths Are Prone to Burnout...

The Top 2 Reasons Why

HSPs & Empaths Are

Prone to Burnout...


A lack of self-understanding and self-validation around your empathic nature, the needs of your nervous system & your depth of processing can leave you feeling ungrounded & unsteady when going after your dreams or facing challenges.

A lack of self-understanding and self-validation around your empathic nature, the needs of your nervous system & your depth of processing can leave you feeling ungrounded & unsteady when going after your dreams or facing challenges.

Energy Management

Not allowing time, space and self-care to atune to your individual energetic needs can leave you in that place of hustle and exhaustion. Finding your own optimal energy flow and rhythm in life brings so much peace and satisfaction, & success and impact!

Not allowing time, space and self-care to atune to your individual energetic needs can leave you in that place of hustle and exhaustion. Finding your own optimal energy flow and rhythm in life brings so much peace and satisfaction, & success and impact!

As HSPs / Empaths, we make up 20-30% of the population!

Imagine how much vision & potential & empathic leadership is being lost

if don't feel empowered to use our strengths & live our inherent purpose!

As HSPs / Empaths, we make up 20-30% of the population!

Imagine how much vision & potential & empathic leadership is being lost

if don't feel empowered to use our strengths & live our inherent purpose!

It is an exciting time, there is a wave of awareness happening in all sectors -

with more inclusion & acceptance of diversity & atypical ways of thinking & being.

Innovation thrives on diversity & creative thinking.

We are in new territory when it comes to our knowledge, understanding

and appreciation of the trait of high sensitivity and it's place in society and in the workplace.

We are influencing traditional, well-ingrained structures, for the better.

I see it with my members all the time!

And while I understand that it can feel easier at times to 'conform' to societal norms and expectations...

it is not worth sacrificing authentic self-expression and intuitive insights to fit in and be accepted.

You know you have much more to offer.

You know you are so much more.

It is an exciting time, there is a wave of awareness happening in all sectors -

with more inclusion & acceptance of diversity & atypical ways of thinking & being.

Innovation thrives on diversity & creative thinking.

We are in new territory when it comes to our knowledge, understanding

and appreciation of the trait of high sensitivity and it's place in society and in the workplace.

We are influencing traditional, well-ingrained structures, for the better.

I see it with my members all the time!

And while I understand that it can feel easier at times to 'conform' to societal norms and expectations...

it is not worth sacrificing authentic self-expression and intuitive insights to fit in and be accepted.

You know you have much more to offer.

You know you are so much more.

Here's the GOOD news...

There is an easy way to nurture your true nature

and go after your dreams and goals.

I call it Alignment.

Alignment is what feels good for each individual and it brings you to a place of contentment, groundedness & ease.

To live life out of alignment with who you truly are is to live in resistance - it is exhausting and the biggest

lost opportunity of all.

It feels so much better to honour and embrace exactly

who you are rather than put up with the fear

and exhaustion of not doing so.

There is an easy way to nurture your true nature and go after

your dreams and goals.

I call it Alignment.

Alignment is what feels good for each individual and it brings you to a place of contentment, groundedness & ease.

To live life out of alignment with who you truly are is to live in resistance

- it is exhausting and the biggest lost opportunity of all.

It feels so much better to honour and embrace exactly who you

are rather than put up with the fear and exhaustion of not doing so.

So say goodbye to burnout and exhaustion & hello to an inspiring community of support.

The HSP Purpose Pathway™️ Membership is an immersive experience of soulful self-discovery & transformation

with an inspiring community of like-minded determined, visionary HSPs.

As a member, you will become grounded in your authentic self,

master your energies for more balance & alignment,

and turn your calling into inspired impact in the world.

The HSP Purpose Pathway™️ Membership is not like other communities,

it recognises your inherent abilities and strengths

and empowers and enables you to direct your own career pathway forward & thrive in your authenticity.

The fact that you're here means you're likely being held back by the common blocks experienced by HSPs

- this programme addresses them all and supports your creativity, personal development and career advancement.

So say goodbye to burnout and exhaustion & hello to an inspiring community of support.

The HSP Purpose Pathway™️ Membership is an immersive experience of soulful self-discovery & transformation

with an inspiring community of like-minded determined, visionary HSPs.

As a member, you will become grounded in your authentic self,

master your energies for more balance & alignment, and turn your calling into inspired impact in the world.

The HSP Purpose Pathway™️ Membership is not like other communities,

it recognises your inherent abilities and strengths and empowers and enables you to direct your own career pathway forward & thrive in your authenticity.

The fact that you're here means you're likely being held back by the common blocks experienced by HSPs

- this programme addresses them all and supports your creativity, personal development and career advancement.

Based on my own journey of alignment and thirst for knowledge (anyone else a lifelong learner?), I have analysed and researched the trait of high sensitivity in great details,

I've brought all my knowledge, personal experience & feedback from my clients and community

and created a PATHWAY which includes 4 phases

based on The HSP Alignment Code™️.

Go from Determined (But Doubtful) to Empowered in who you truly are and focused on your purposeful path.

Based on my own journey of alignment and thirst for knowledge

(anyone else a lifelong learner?),

I have analysed and researched the trait of high sensitivity in great details,

I've brought all my knowledge, personal experience & feedback from my clients and community and created a PATHWAY which includes 4 phases

based on The HSP Alignment Code™️.

Go from Determined (But Doubtful) to Empowered in who you truly are and focused on your purposeful path.

What Others Are Saying...

I feel that my life has expanded...

I mean that my understanding of myself in my own mind has expanded. This work has created mental space, and introduced a certain lightness in my spirit, that is connected to feeling a greater field of possibility open to me - to breathe, to be me, to expand more.

The tools that Sinead has shared have been what I was missing.

Annie Killigan

Allowing myself to live as a HSP, has opened up much more of understanding of myself.

I approach situations and environments differently now.

I know why I need a mix of people and quiet time, why I get overstimulated, why I think so deeply, why I take on other peoples energy, why my needs are important to honour.

All this has enabled me to become a more rounded Highly Sensitive leader.

Patrick Boyle

Sinéad is like a ‘wizardess’ – she guides you to learn about yourself

Sinéad is a wise, insightful and highly intuitive coach - her approach is holistic, intuitive, wise, getting to the heart of the matter, finding out who you are so that you can best align your work/life ambitions to your values.

But also with a practical finger on the pulse.

I can’t recommend her highly enough.

Siobhan Berkley

What's inside

The HSP Purpose Pathway™️ Membership?

Resource Library

Bespoke online courses designed specifically for HSPs & Empaths. It honours who you are and empowers

your magic.

Bespoke online courses designed specifically for HSPs & Empaths. It honours who you are and empowers

your magic.

Group Coaching

Group coaching & collaboration: where the power of coaching & community come together to enhance and empower your own individual pathway.

Group coaching & collaboration: where the power of coaching & community come together to enhance and empower your own individual pathway.

1:1 Support

1-1 Identity Alignment Coaching session (90 mins) + ongoing feedback

and support via email.

1-1 Identity Alignment Coaching session (90 mins) + ongoing feedback and support via email.

FB Community

Private Facebook Community - daily support, guest speakers, lives, member insights & accountability.

Private Facebook Community

- daily support, guest speakers,

lives, member insights & accountability.

The pathway (resource library)

The pathway

(Resource Library)

Unlock the power of your high sensitivity!

You’ll be clear on the power & strength of your high sensory abilities & skills.

Unlock the power of your high sensitivity!

You’ll be clear on the power & strength of your high sensory abilities & skills.

Rediscover your strengths & superpowers

You’ll have clarity on your purpose & feel aligned with your inner voice &


Rediscover your strengths & superpowers

You’ll have clarity on your purpose & feel aligned with your inner voice &


Leverage & empower your optimal energy flow!

You’ll feel grounded, vibrant & capable & have uncovered a rhythm that empowers you and your creativity.

Leverage & empower your optimal energy flow!

You’ll feel grounded, vibrant & capable & have uncovered a rhythm that empowers you and your creativity.

Take aligned, strategic action in your career.

You’ll feel confident in communicating your message with the world and have clarity on the action steps

to achieve your goals.


6 Month Membership

  • The Purpose Pathway Resource Library (lifetime access)
  • 1 x 1-1 Identity Alignment Coaching Session
  • Weekly Group Coaching Hour
  • Monthly Brainstorm
  • Ongoing Email Support
  • Private Facebook Community For Daily Support

6 Month Group Package

  • The Purpose Pathway Online Course (lifetime access)
  • 1 x Identity Alignment Coaching Session
  • Weekly Group Coaching
  • Monthly Brainstorm
  • Ongoing Email Support
  • Private Facebook Trailblazers Community


or 6 payments of $197

Become a Purpose Pathway Ambassador

- share your experience with a testimonial.

Purpose Pathway Bonuses

As you can see...

Everything is covered to support your journey of alignment and professional development.

If you do the deeper work and lean on myself and the community for support will see the results.

You might be thinking...

“This all sounds great, but what if I have something very personal

I'd rather not bring up in a group call?"

That is why unlimited email support is included.

There are also some limited VIP 1:1 places available too.

Let me also reassure you, I am careful about who comes into the community

to ensure I maintain a safe space & thriving community for my fellow HSPs & Empaths.

(This is why membership is via application)

As you can see...

Everything is covered to support your journey of alignment and professional development.

If you do the deeper work and lean on myself and the community for support will see the results.

You might be thinking...

“This all sounds great, but what if I have something very personal

I'd rather not bring up in a group call?"

That is why unlimited email support is included.

There are also some limited VIP 1:1 places available too.

Let me also reassure you, I am careful about who comes into the community

to ensure I maintain a safe space & thriving community for my fellow HSPs & Empaths.

(This is why membership is via application)

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions - don't hesitate to contact me directly:

Who is The HSP Purpose Pathway for?

This membership responds exactly to the needs of ambitious, purpose-driven HSP & Empaths professionals.

The HSP Purpose Pathway is for Highly Sensitives & Empaths, Change-makers & Trailblazers & Thought Leaders.

Those who think outside the box - tuned in, forward-thinking, creative, expansive.

Often the creatives, educators, therapists, coaches, healers, advisors, artists, musicians, problem-solvers, connectors, writers, enablers, highly gifted people & visionary entrepreneurs among us, but all industries are very welcome.

We currently have educators, scientists, executives, authors & coaches.

I believe we as HSPs, have so so much to offer every industry and every pocket of society,

once we stop holding ourselves back.

This programme honours who you truly are and brings you to a place of alignment, clarity & purpose through a mix of soul-ful self-discovery, energy healing, career coaching & personal and professional development.

I hold the space for your depth of processing, depth of emotion, your intuition, creativity and innovative, curious spirit.

The reason why so many HSPs cannot gain clarity on their purposeful path is because they are not honouring their own rhythm and their own powerful strengths. This space allows you to do just that.

I combine psychology, alignment coaching, spirituality, energy work and professional strategy to shine a light on your path and guide you to trust your own wisdom and discover your own answers.

It is often both a healing and growth journey you need for alignment.

HSPs feel negative situations more deeply but they also thrive more quickly from positive support.

This community offers you the space and support to bring you into alignment by addressing energy blocks, empowering your identity and mapping out a way forward for both your personal and professional life.

How is the membership structured?

The HSP Purpose Pathway Membership is initially a 6 month commitment from the date you sign up. Most members stay on after 6 months for a fee of $97 / month.

When you join, you receive login details to an online portal where you will access the resource library.

The resource library is designed to bring you on an alignment journey - the course material includes training videos, workbooks, tools, meditations & recommended resources.

Weekly coaching calls & the monthly brainstorm are held on zoom - currently on Thursdays @ 1pm (Dublin/London).

The reflective work you do underpins the coaching calls, group brainstorm and 1-1 sessions.

Everyone's journey, approach and pace is different so you can learn by diving into the material and avail of all the supports in place in a way that suits you and your rhythm.

I would advise 2-3 hours a week to maximise your experience and see the transformation over the first 6 months.

Individual support is provided via 1 x 1-1 Identity Alignment session and via email and within the private Facebook community.

The power of a like-minded community cannot be underestimated. You will learn SO much from other community members - their experience and perspective and their take on your situation.

I understand that not everyone loves a group setting - there are limited VIP 1:1 spaces available if you prefer a 1-1 focus. You can discuss this with Sinéad on your application call.

If you opt for the VIP 1:1 package, you also have the option to join in the group calls weekly if you choose to in addition to the 1-1 coaching.

The bonuses are the cherry on the cake:

  • Bonus Modules - Sinead will be adding these regularly.
  • Inspiring guest speakers.
  • The Trailblazer's toolkit and resources.
What can I expect to gain from the membership?

Like anything in life, you will get out of this membership & community what you put in.

With focus and consistency, you will:

  • Become grounded in your authentic self.
  • Learn to leverage your incredible sensitivity & turn your calling into an inspired impact in the world.
  • Master both your mindset and your energies so you can create and enjoy a life of balance & alignment.
  • Be clear and focused on the actionable steps you need to take to move forward on your aligned path in both your personal and professional life.
  • Experience an expanded view on yourself, your life and your future.
  • Benefit from community members' views, expertise & ideas - collaboration is always POWERFUL.
  • Explore your creative flow and give it the boost it needs - you will feel INSPIRED.
Still on the fence / have more questions?

A good starting point is to book a free call with Sinéad - to identify & clarify your most aligned move forward.


Sinead is such a beautiful generous soul with fabulous insight and ninja questioning skills that get right to the heart of the matter.

In a very short space of time.

Sinead was able to pinpoint the challenge I faced and helped me unlock something which was transformational to how I see myself.

The sun has come out again and I feel much lighter. Thank you so much Sinead for your support. What a delight!

Lisa Parkes

Inner Child Coach | Author | Artist

Sinéad's creative, knowledgeable & intuitive mindset means she creates enormous clarity around issues in a short space of time. I now have a much clearer focus on who I am, where I'm going and why.

Sinéad's coaching ability cannot be rated highly enough.

Helen O'Sullivan

Linguist | Author | Academic

Sinead is incredibly talented at what she does. She has the rare ability to know exactly the perfect questions to ask. It was like she looked into my brain, saw the issues holding me back and was able to get me to speak about it gently and gracefully. Hand on heart, she blew me away!​

It was like she opened a door that I didn't know existed and has since given me the inspiration to start taking my business seriously.

Erin Kelly

Energy Healer | Artist | Herbalist

I needed guidance and support to gain clarity and insight in relation to my life purpose and integrating my passions into this.

Sinead's insight and guidance really helped me to become clearer in my goals, values and strengths and she helped me to close the gap of where I was and where I wanted to go. I learned so much from Sinead.

Mairead Carroll

Psychotherapist | Musician

Sinead's service is incredible and completely life transforming - Sinead has a calm, powerful, incredibly skilled approach at unpacking what’s really going on and provides clear support and guidance to emerge from it & thrive.

I was really in a desperately low place and Sinead managed my situation so expertly.

Don’t know what would’ve done without her.

Katie Given

Social Worker | Advocate for Justice

Sinead is a wise, insightful and highly intuitive coach.

She is like a ‘wizardess’ – she guides you to learn about yourself.

I can’t recommend her highly enough.

Her approach is holistic, intuitive, wise, getting to the heart of the matter, finding out who you are so that you can best align your work/life ambitions to your values. But also with a practical finger on the pulse. Sinead is ahead of the curve on knowing the tools, techniques, online platforms to use but her true egde is combining this with the wisdom to know what questions to ask you to gain greater clarity.

Sinead Bennett

Entrepreneur | Executive Professional

Sinead's superpower is helping see potential where you might not believe there is any. I would highly recommend Sinead's services. She focuses on both the personal and the professional.

Liz Maguire

Marketing Executive | Curator of Vintage Love Letters

I was delighted to have found Sinead during a very foggy time in my life. My inner voice whispered to me to take a pause; reflect/re-assess and seek guidance. I made a conscious decision to invest in myself.

Sinead's 1:1 coaching came highly recommended and now I know why. Sinead's unique style is subtly powerful and highly intuitive.

She holds the mirror to your contradictions and helps you get the 'aha' moments. The programme is a real bonus, a mindset re-set masterpiece. The connection to like-minded people/networks is also highly inspirational.

Caroline O'Loughlin

Collaborative Global Leader | Coach

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