Empower Your Personal Space
& Honour Your Needs
Empower Your Personal Space
& Honour Your Needs
Discover the power of healthy boundaries in your life so you can enjoy your innate HSP gifts and live your life from a place of empowerment and authenticity.
Discover the power of healthy boundaries in your life so you can enjoy your innate HSP gifts and live your life from a place of empowerment and authenticity.
Have You Been Wondering?
Why you seem to respond to everyone eles's needs but never your own?
Why you seem to be last on your list of priorities?
Why you feel like you're constantly adapting to your environment?
Why you feel like an 'outsider' a lot of the time?
Why you can never seem to gain clarity on what truly makes your happy?
Why you need so much alone time away from the energies of others?
Why your relationships / friendships are often challenging?
Perhaps You Have Been Thinking...
"Is there something wrong with me?"
"I can't seem to function like everyone else around me"
"I seem to be able to help everyone else, but not myself"
"Other people don't seem to understand me"
"I feel like a sponge around others - absorbing all their emotions!"
"I can see so clearly what others need, why can't I see clearly for myself?"
"Is there something wrong with me?"
"I can't seem to function like
everyone else around me"
"I seem to be able to help
everyone else, but not myself"
"Other people don't seem
to understand me"
"I feel like a sponge around others - absorbing all their emotions!"
"I can see so clearly what others need, why can't I see clearly for myself?"
Imagine What It Will Be Like When...
You acknowledge and accept your true nature as an HSP and your innate gifts and strengths.
You can relate to others and feel a sense of social safety.
You are able to feel grounded and truly be yourself.
Your can express yourself authentically and feel seen and understood.
You can use your empathy to help others AND protect yourself!
Your options for the future open up as you stand in your truth around others.
You acknowledge and accept your true nature as an HSP and your innate gifts and strengths.
You can relate to others and feel a sense of social safety.
You are able to feel grounded
and truly be yourself.
Your can express yourself authentically and feel seen and understood.
You can use your empathy to help others AND protect yourself!
Your options for the future open up as you stand in your truth around others.
Here is The Truth...
Your capacity for empathy can trip you up at times
- it is such a gift but you need to protect that gift.
Your fear of criticism & being misunderstood may be holding you back
from so much magic in your life.
You do need to recharge from the emotional and
energetic rollercoaster that comes from other people.
You naturally seek harmony in relationships but often at your own expense,
- this cannot go on forever; it will deplete your energy and sense of self.
Empowering boundaries are your friend, they offer strength to everyone involved.
Your capacity for empathy can trip you up at times - it is such a gift but you need to protect that gift.
Your fear of criticism & being misunderstood may be
holding you back
from so much magic in your life.
You do need to recharge from the emotional and energetic rollercoaster that comes from other people.
You naturally seek harmony in relationships but often at your own expense, - this cannot go on forever;
it will deplete your energy
and sense of self.
Empowering boundaries are your friend, they offer strength to everyone involved.
It takes courage to seek self-understanding around your needs
- to empower your personal space
and create a buffer (emotionally & energetically) with the world.
By empowering your personal space,
you can take advantage of your wonderful innate skills
and abilities and do good in the world - & make the impact you want to make,
but not at the expense of your wellbeing and happiness.
To help HSPs and Empaths reclaim their strength & power, I created
'Broken Boundaries: Empowering Your Personal Space'
It takes courage to seek self-understanding around your needs
- to empower your personal space
and create a buffer
(emotionally & energetically)
with the world.
By empowering your personal space,
you can take advantage of your wonderful innate skills
and abilities and do good in the world
- & make the impact you want to make,
but not at the expense
of your wellbeing and happiness.
To help HSPs and Empaths reclaim their strength & power, I created
'Broken Boundaries: Empowering Your Personal Space'
When you learn to set empowering boundaries in your life,
you will experience a shift in your experience
- you will be able to express yourself authentically & protect your energetic needs.
Your heart chakra needs nourishment, protection and healing
- and it is a beautiful thing to offer back to yourself as a HSP.
You will walk away from this mini course feeling empowered in who you truly are,
embracing your sensitivities as your greatest strength rather than a burden!
When you learn to set empowering boundaries in your life,
you will experience a
shift in your experience
- you will be able to express yourself authentically & protect
your energetic needs.
Your heart chakra needs nourishment, protection and healing
- and it is a beautiful thing to offer back to yourself as a HSP.
You will walk away from this mini course feeling empowered in
who you truly are,
embracing your sensitivities as your greatest strength rather than a burden!
Module 1:
Meeting Your Needs
Explore your emotional and energetic needs and shine a light on your experience as an empath so you can use your skills and strengths in a way that serves you and others.
Module 2:
Why Boundaries?
Discover the strength and power of empowering boundaries and why they are essential for you as a HSP to not only survive in the world but to thrive, by being yourself.
Module 3:
Relationships & Communication
Explore common blocks around relationships and communication
so you can understand the interactions in your life and improve them for the greater good of all.
Module 4:
Heart Healing
Heal your heart chakra and learn to protect and strengthen it for the future so you can respond to your own needs and make a difference in the world with your empathic abilities.
You'll Also Get Access To The Broken Boundaries Toolkit
You'll Also Get Access To The Broken Boundaries Toolkit
The Boundary Bliss Assessment for HSPs & Empaths
Examine the current boundaries in your life and learn how to fill the gaps to protect yourself and empower your empathic abilities.
Heart Healing Journal Prompts
Reflect on your experience to date to gather insights around your relationships & communication style so you can empower all future interactions with others.
Empower Your Personal Space Meditation
Go to your happy place and reconnect with the stronger part of you and seek the wisdom you need on a regular basis - be your own guide so you thrive as a HSP.
Go to your happy place and reconnect with the stronger part of you and seek the wisdom you need on a regular basis - be your own guide so you thrive as a HSP.
Annie Killigan
I feel that my life has expanded. In particular, I mean that my understanding of myself in my own mind has expanded. This work has created mental space, and introduced a certain lightness in my spirit, that is connected to feeling a greater field of possibility open to me - to breathe, to be me, to expand more. I feel the tools that Sinead has shared with us have been what I was missing.
Patrick Boyle
Allowing myself to live as a HSP, has opened up much more of understanding of myself. I approach situations and environments differently now. I know now why I need a mix of people and quiet time, why I get overstimulated, why I think so deeply, why I take on other peoples energy, why my needs are important to honour.
Tricia Warren
In our weekly calls, Sinead emanates a positive energy, and holds space for the participants in a skillful and generous way. When engaging with a particular person, she in intuitive as to what is a good idea to explore further in the conversation and this is empowering both to observe and experience. It is also clear that she has a large store of knowledge (professionally and from her own journey as an empath) that helps her to see issues that might be at play in a person's life as a HSP or empath.
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