Data Protection Policy - GDPR

  • Sinead Rafferty Coaching is committed to compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We value your data and will keep it as safe and secure as possible

  • Information and data gathered about the Client as part of the coaching process includes personal data (name, email address) and session notes (thoughts, insights, reflections and observations on the part of the Coach)

  • Information gathered during marketing processes include personal details & insights

  • If you provide your email address it will be stored, along with your first name and surname via have their own privacy policy and will protect your data. You can find out more here:

  • We will never sell or share your personal information with third parties.

  • We also use software such as but not limited to:

G Suite, Canva, Meta, Restream, Descript, Zapier, Trello and

The respective privacy policies of each can be viewed on their websites.

  • The data collected will be used to provide effective coaching services and more generally to understand the needs of clients to inform subsequent marketing.

  • Any digital files and hand-written notes recorded directly by the Coach prior-to and during the coaching process will be stored on a secure computer utlising latest encryption technology and/or in a locked filing cabinet.

  • I will not share your information with any third parties without your consent. In the situation of professional development & supervision where client case studies are discussed, all of the information remains anonymous.

  • Clients can request access to all data pertaining to them at any stage; all the necessary information will be available within 7 days. Please contact

  • Once our work together is complete, the information will be stored for 5 years, at which time the digital information will be permanently deleted, and the handwritten notes or any physical files will be shredded.

  • Clients can request for all data pertaining to them and the coaching process to be deleted at any time. This process will be completed within 4 weeks.

© 2024 Sinead Rafferty Coaching - All Rights Reserved

Donegal, Ireland