Free Your Genius

Align with your goals, passions, values & strengths.

A life-changing career development programme for personal growth and professional strategy.

A life-changing career development programme for personal growth and professional strategy.

Whether a budding entrepreneur or passion-driven professional, you know there's more out there for you!

Whether a budding entrepreneur or passion-driven professional, you know there's more out there for you!

It's time to free your 'genius' - your uniqueness,

individuality & vision for the future.

It's time to free your 'genius'

- your uniqueness,

individuality & vision for the future.

1-1 Coaching

Online Course

Practical Support

Ongoing Accountability

1-1 Coaching

Online Course

Practical Support

Ongoing Accountability

6 x Personalised 1-1

Coaching Sessions

1 x kick-start Goal-Setting Session to map out clearly what it is you want to achieve and we dig deep to understand your why.

1 x Core Identity Session to empower your individuality & uniqueness.

2 x Visioning/Brainstorming Sessions provide a powerful deep dive into your ideas & vision for the future.

2 x Strategy Sessions to devise an actionable plan & remove blocks in your way.

Online Course

12 x modules with videos, workbooks, exercises & additional resources.

The course content guides your learning & development process.

Modules 1-4

Reframe Your Mindset

The Dream Big Workshop

Master Your Mindset

All The Whys - Motivation

The Process of Change & Visioning

Modules 5-8

Realign With Yourself

Your Values, Your Roots

Personality & Identity

Understanding Your Skillset & Unique Offering

Goal Setting For The Future

Modules 9-12

Redirect Your Path

Blocks, Fears & Barriers

This is Me! - Career Strategy

Forward Movement - Career / Business Development

The Future is Bright - Your dreams take flight!

Bonus #1

Practical Support

Bonus #1

Practical Support

CV/Branding Review

Feedback on your CV, LinkedIn Profile

&/or Business Branding.

Bonus #2

In Your Corner

Bonus #2

In Your Corner

Support & Accountability

Email /messaging

support between sessions for 3 months.

Bonus #3

Silence Your Self-Critic

Bonus #3

Silence Your Self-Critic

Bonus Module

We all have that voice in our heads us back - learn to address your inner critic!

I am in your corner!

Think of me as your personal cheerleader & co-pilot for a few months helping you to navigate the way forward towards the life & career you deserve.

Seeking purpose

& fulfilment?

Craving more purpose, fulfilment, direction, challenge, growth & success? Optimise your potential.

Feeling stuck, drained, demotivated?

Finally ready to give some much needed TLC to your dreams, vision and ideas? Get unstuck & prioritise your happiness!

Feeling disconnected from

the 'real' you?

Exhausted or burnout?

It's time to find your flow and enjoy your work & life again - your wellbeing is at stake.

Exhausted or burnout?

It's time to find your flow

and enjoy your work &
life again
- your wellbeing is at stake.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions - don't hesitate to contact me directly:

How long is this programme?

On average clients usually take approximately 3 - 4 months to complete the programme. This will depend on your starting point and your goals. We will work together in response to your individual needs.

What can I expect to achieve?

Like anything in life, you will get out of this programme what you put in. With focus and commitment, you can expect:

*You will have a clear sense of direction & empowered choice.

*You will have clarity and an action plan in place for the next chapter in your career & life.

*You will feel determined, grounded, & ready to take on the world!

*You will experience a renewed & reinvigorated mindset & attitude that underpins all your actions & strategy moving forward.

*Together, we will update your CV & LinkedIn profile (or business materials) to reflect who you are NOW and where you're headed.

*You will feel a renewed sense of self; your identity, your capabilities and your potential unleashed.

*You will have increased self-confidence & self-belief.


Depending on your goals - a new job, a new business, a new side hustle or a new life well underway - your future opened up.

What happens in a coaching 'session'?

Coaching is future-orientated, goals & results-driven - a collaborative quest to find a way forward, to unblock your path, to inspire and motivate your ideas and reconnect you with your true path in life.

Coaching sessions involve brainstorming, goal setting, questioning, feedback, planning, reflection, as well as the use of targeted coaching tools.

Each session begins by recapping the actionable steps decided upon in the previous session.

How did you get one with them?

Were they achievable?

What progress did you make?

What obstacles did you meet?

What insights came from the online course material?

Coaching is also fluid, the topic of each session depends on the mood, mindset and priorities the client feels on the day.

When you bring the support of a coach into your life, you are making a powerful commitment to YOU, your growth and learning.

It is like having a good friend in your corner who has your back and who believes in you unwaveringly.

Your coach brings objectivity and offers an experienced, fresh perspective to every area of your life, as well as a fearless commitment to getting to the heart of what is going on for you.

Remember, whatever point of your life and career you’re at - there is nothing to fix or alter in you– coaching is about optimising and honouring who you are and what you want to become in life.

I'm not sure I want to commit the time & investment...

A good starting point is to book a one-off Career Focus Session with Sinead - to identify & clarify your next best step.


*Any questions/queries:

It is only when you Free Your Genius that you & the world can benefit from it.


Sinéad's creative, knowledgeable & intuitive mindset means she creates enormous clarity around issues in a short space of time. I now have a much clearer focus on who I am, where I'm going and why.

And, I have learnt which obstacles I am putting in my own way and how to stop doing that. Sinéad's coaching ability cannot be rated highly enough.

Helen O'Sullivan

Linguist | Author in Business Development Mode

I needed guidance and support to gain clarity and insight in relation to my life purpose and integrating my passions into this.

Sinead's insight and guidance really helped me to become clearer in my goals, values and strengths and she helped me to close the gap of where I was and where I wanted to go. I learned so much from Sinead.

Mairead Carroll

Multipotentialite Seeking Balance

My career wasn’t fulfilling me or my needs anymore, it was time for me to move forward. I was very anxious about how to realise a career change which made me feel quite lost.

Sinead helped me get out of that mindset: be more proactive, question everything, research everything! I have made significant progress figuring out what I want and going for it.

Christiana Pantelidou, PhD

Mathematical Physicist Seeking Career Progression

Sinead is such a beautiful generous soul with fabulous insight and ninja questioning skills that get right to the heart of the matter. In a very short space of time.

Sinead was able to pinpoint the challenge I faced and helped me unlock something which was transformational to how I see myself.

The sun has come out again and I feel much lighter. Thank you so much Sinead for your support. What a delight!

Lisa Parkes

A Trailblazer on a Mission

In three months of working with Sinead, I am proud to say I have learned tools to better manage my work performance anxiety and instead channel that energy more positively.

Sinead's superpower is helping see potential where you might not believe there is any.

I would highly recommend Sinead's services. She focuses on both the personal and the professional.

Liz Maguire

Creative Professional with a New Project

Sinead's service is incredible and completely life transforming - Sinead has a calm, powerful, incredibly skilled approach at unpacking what’s really goin on and provides clear support and guidance to emerge from it & thrive.

I was really in a desperately low place and Sinead managed my situation so expertly.

Don’t know what would’ve done without her.

Katie Given

A Social Advocate Seeking Direction & Focus

Through Sinead's 1:1 programme Free Your Genius, I began working through the 'barriers' that I was facing and now have clarity and direction.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Sinead is very friendly, but firm and persistent.

She will push YOU to discover the answers by asking the difficult questions that you perhaps have not considered.

Adrian Doyle

HR Executive Seeking Change

Sinead is incredibly talented at what she does. She has the rare ability to know exactly the perfect questions to ask. It was like she looked into my brain, saw the issues holding me back and was able to get me to speak about it gently and gracefully. Hand on heart,

she blew me away!

It was like she opened a door that I didn't know existed and has since given me the inspiration to start taking my business seriously.

Erin Kelly

Energy Healer Removing Blocks

Sinead is a wise, insightful and highly intuitive coach. She helped me find confidence & clarity with where I am at and guided me forward.

She is like a ‘wizardess’ – she guides you to learn about yourself.

Sinead’s encouragement and generosity of time makes this feel like a really supported and enjoyable process

I can’t recommend her highly enough

Saoirse Bennett

Executive Seeking Freedom

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