

This complimentary 30 minute call gives us a chance to connect
and get to know each other.

I will offer my guidance and support,

learn about where you're at on your path
& give you some clarity and insight on the steps
you need to take to make real progress.

I will talk you through the services I offer,

you can ask me as many questions as you like and together, we can assess if we are a good fit.

My aim with this call is to support your personal

and/or professional development as a HSP and help you to identify,

the most aligned next step forward for you.



This complimentary 30 minute call gives us a chance to connect
and get to know each other.

I will offer my guidance and support,

learn about where you're at on your path
& give you some clarity and insight on the steps you need to take to make real progress.

I will talk you through the services I offer, you can ask me as many questions as you like and together,

we can assess if we are a good fit for working together.

My aim with this call is to support your personal and/or professional development as a HSP and help you to identify, the most aligned next step forward for you.

© 2024 Sinead Rafferty Coaching - All Rights Reserved

Donegal, Ireland