Kind words from my inspiring clients...

who have embraced their own exciting journey...


Kind words from my inspiring clients...

who have embraced their own exciting journey...

Sinead Bennett


Sinead and I started working together in the summer of 2020. I knew that I wanted to make a change in my work and lifestyle but didn't know how to having worked in the same area for 16 years. The pandemic created a great opportunity to seek out support and I was really fortunate to connect with Sinead during this time.

I took the leap into the unknown in March 2021, leaving my previous role to make the change that I needed. Now I'm studying part-time in an area that I find fascinating and it has opened up a world of possibilities. I am glad that I followed this path and haven't looked back!

Sinead's holistic approach was powerful in that she guided me to reassess my values which gave me a clearer vision of the things that I want out of life and work. When the opportunity came to make a change, I knew it was the right direction to take having done the work with Sinéad.

Her approach is holistic, intuitive, wise, getting to the heart of the matter, finding out who you are so that you can best align your work / life ambitions to your values. But also with a practical finger on the pulse.

There are so many varied services out there and Sinéad is ahead of the curve on knowing the tools, technqiues, online platforms to use but her true edge is combining this with the wisdom to know what questions to ask you to gain greater clarity on what direction to take.

Caroline O'Loughlin
Collaborative Global Leader

I was delighted to have found Sinead during a very foggy time in my career path.

After 20 years working internationally with big corporate firms in fast paced environments, I was suddenly unemployed, just back in Ireland and in the midst of the global pandemic.

My inner voice whispered to me to take a pause; reflect/re-assess and seek guidance. I made a conscious decision to invest in myself.

Sinead's 1:1 coaching came highly recommended and now I know why. Sinead's unique style is subtly powerful and highly intuitive.

She holds the mirror to your contradictions and helps you get the 'ah haw' moments.

The 'free your genius' programme is a real bonus, a mindset re-set masterpiece. The connection to like minded people/networks are also highly inspirational.

Sinead Walsh
Business Executive
& Dog Trainer

I really enjoyed the content of the Free your Genuis programme.

The modules really help you develop a clearer understanding of the self and challenge you to look at the parts of yourself that are holding you back from fulfilling your true potential.

On a personal level, I have found Sinead to be a warm, enthusiastic person who clearly loves what she does.

Over the last few weeks , I have noticed a huge difference in my mindset and I am much more capable now of challenging negative thought patterns and overall have a greater sense of gratitude for what I already have in my life therefore making allowing me to be more open to new opportunities.

I am looking at forward to making my career aspirations a reality with the help of Sinead !

Christiana Pantelidou, PhD

Mathematical Physicist

I had reached the conclusion that even though I enjoyed my career up to now, it wasn’t fulfilling me or my needs anymore and it was time for me to move forward. I was also very anxious about how to realise this career change, including figuring out what I wanted to switch to. That made me feel quite lost. Sinead helped me get out of that mindset: be more proactive, question everything, research everything! I have made significant progress figuring out what I want and going for it.

Sinead's approach is introspective: in order to move forward, you first need to understand yourself, your priorities and your goals.

Sometimes when you are stressed about your next job, or your mortgage, or your future in general you are more focused on solving the problem at hand.

Sinead's approach is to take a step back and define the problem better before solving it.

Kate Given
Researcher & Social Advocate

Sinead doesn’t just look at your career, she sees beyond the current situation to provide insight as to what’s behind the current career crisis if needed.

In my case it definitely was needed.

Sineads service is incredible and completely life transforming - Sinead has a calm, powerful, incredibly skilled approach at unpacking what’s really behind the current situation and provides clear support and guidance to emerge from it & thrive. I was really in a desperately low place and Sinead managed my situation so expertly.

Don’t know what would’ve done without her.

Whether you just want to make a small career change or if you’re literally presenting with an entrenched mid life crisis, Sinead can quickly help you see the bigger picture and provide steps to move forward in your career and life.

Mairead Carroll
Musician, Poet

I needed guidance and support to gain clarity and insight in relation to my life purpose and integrating my passions into this.

Sinead's insight and guidance really helped me to become clearer in my goals, values and strengths and she helped me to close the gap of where I was and where I wanted to go. I learned so much from Sinead.

She is passionate about her work and compassionate and supportive.

Sinead is honest, compassionate, grounded, funny and creative as well as spiritual in her approach.

If you're on the fence, it will be money so well invested. Sinead is the perfect companion for the transitions and changes you need to make to live the life you know you want to live that fits just right for you.

Adrian Doyle

HR Executive

Through Sinead's 1:1 programme (Free Your Genius), I began working through the 'barriers' that I was facing and now have clarity and direction.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Sinead is very friendly, but firm and persistent.

She will push YOU to discover the answers by asking the difficult questions that you perhaps have not considered.

I signed up to gain clarity on my career, the direction it should take and how to move forward in that direction. I was surprised by how much of the course is centered around non-standard techniques (in the context of career guidance) e.g. mindset, meditation / mindfulness, journaling etc... I did find some of these very beneficial, and applicable to other areas of my life!

Sarah Field
Creative Consultant

When I got in touch with Sinead, I was in a bit of a fog. I knew something had to change but I was unclear on what the next steps I needed to take were.

Now, I have a better understanding of how to go about it.

Sinead is incredibly supportive, enjoyable, optimistic, fun and professional (not mutually exclusive).

Great nuggets of wisdom!

It really helps to take a bit of time out to look at the bigger picture with a cheerleader by your side!

The most powerful thing for me was learning to focus on the importance of mindset...and the day Sinead asked me if she needed to remind me of the definition of madness (doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results)!!!

Of course I knew but it needed to be said!

Jo Harrison
Online Business Manager

When we started working together I was stuck, my business was ticking over, but I wanted to achieve more and have the same motivation I did when I first started out. I didn't know which direction to take my business so when I started working with Sinead, all that changed.

My sessions with Sinead really helped me focus on the problems I needed to overcome to get my mojo back. I now know in which direction I am headed and have clear goals to move forward with. I no longer feel stuck, and I have oodles of motivation now.

Sinead is really fun and loves to dig deep into what it is you want, I really enjoyed my sessions, it was like having a chat with a friend.

If you're on the fence - go for it, you'll not regret it, if you want to move forward in your career or business, Sinead will definitely help you.

Erin Kelly

Energy Healer & Artist

Sinead is incredibly talented at what she does. She has the rare ability to know exactly the perfect questions to ask. It was like she looked into my brain, saw the issues holding me back and was able to get me to speak about it gently and gracefully. Hand on heart,

she blew me away!

It was like she opened a door that I didn't know existed and has since given me the inspiration to start taking my business seriously. I can't wait until our next session to see what comes up! She is everything I look for in a coach...intelligent, articulate, kind, intuitive and creative in her approach. I am recommending her to everyone

Sinead has a real skill of not only asking the right questions, but nudging you to ask questions of yourself that lead to answers hidden inside yourself. I wasn’t forced onto any pre-set path, rather I was left with a feeling of “of course this is the way to go.” It felt totally natural and crafted to me"

When I met with Sinead I was beginning my journey. I had started my own business and felt like I knew where I wanted to go, but I didn’t know how to get there.

My time with Sinead was incredibly valuable, she helped focus my mind, refine ideas and left me feeling energised and inspired to progress.

Lisa Parkes

Smiley Coach & Author

Sinead is such a beautiful generous soul with fabulous insight and ninja questioning skills that get right to the heart of the matter. In a very short space of time, Sinead was able to pinpoint the challenge I faced and helped me unlock something which was transformational to how I see myself.

This will massively impact my personal life and my business. It's something I've felt stuck with for a long time and so I'm incredibly grateful for her. It's like she took away the fog and showed me what was possible. I can see clearly now.

The sun has come out again and I feel much lighter. Thank you so much Sinead for your support. What a delight!

Shauna Ward
Musician, Educator, Author

After just one session with Sinead, I felt so positive and energised. I was brimming with new ideas about the next chapter in my life and ready to explore any fears that were holding me back from achieving my dreams.

Her approach was warm, engaging and yet truly professional. Through carefully crafted questions she was able to help me articulate exactly what my dreams and aspirations are while at the same time shwoing real empathy and understanding about my life. Thank you Sinead and I look forward to our next session..."

Eimear Bonner
Archtectural Technologist

Sinead was highly recommended to me by a friend. Sinead certainly lived up to her reputation and did not disappoint. I was at a stage of my life where I was nearly broken and feared a downward spiral. Sinead helped me in all aspects of my life and provided me with the tools to focus on the goals that I wanted to achieve.

I am in a much better position now and I have put the exercises that Sinead gave me into much practice. I continue to use them on a regular basis. I am on a very exciting career path with full of enthusiasm for the future. My final words about Sinead is that she is a very professional, positive and enthusiastic person with a drive to help people reach their target goal in life - personally and professionally. I would highly recommend her.

Grace Herraghty
Project Manage, Blogger

Sinead was highly recommended to me by a friend. Sinead certainly lived up to her reputation and did not disappoint. I was at a stage of my life where I was nearly broken and feared a downward spiral. Sinead helped me in all aspects of my life and provided me with the tools to focus on the goals that I want to achieve.

I am in a much better position now and I have put the exercises that Sinead gave me into much practice. I continue to use them on a regular basis. I am on a very exciting career path and full of enthusiasm for the future. Sinead is a very professional, positive and enthusiastic person with a drive to help people reach their target goal in life - personally and professionally. I would highly recommend her.

Liz Maguire
Marketing Manager & Curator of Vintage Love Letters

In three months of working with Sinead, I am proud to say I have learned tools to better manage my work performance anxiety and instead channel that energy more positively. From her background in counseling and business management,she designed 'on the spot' personalized development content for me. As an example, journaling daily, decreasing screen-time, and practicing 'awareness' more actively.

Sinead's superpower is helping see potential where you might not believe there is any.

I would highly recommend Sinead's services. She focuses on both the personal and the professional. Sinead makes herself available both during and following sessions, encouraging you and working with you on an authentic 1-1 basis. From our first sessions, I was comfortable with Sinead. She has a hearty sense of humor, a listening ear, and provides an excellent service to boot."

Michael Gallagher
Engineer & Surf Instructor

I have been working with Sinead for the past three months and each coaching session is better than the last. She really gets to know who you are and what drives you. All the resources and online tools she uses are great for getting you on the path that you want to be on, ultimately you make the decisions yourself but Sinead's years of coaching experience shines through as she gets you to ask the questions of yourself that need to be asked.

I am currently early on the path to a change in career and new business and I am finding that the sessions are a great way to get everything out there and get all your Ideas clear in your head. I would definitely recommend Sinead to anyone needing a change in career.

Saoirse Barrett
Operations Executive

I have been working with Sinead for 3 months now after deciding that I needed support In finding some direction in my work life.Sinead is a wise, insightful and highly intuitive coach who has helped me find confidence and clarity with where I am at and guide me to look at the areas that need to be worked on to move forward.

We chat fortnightly on video calls and in between you have to be prepared to put in the work but Sinead’s encouragement and generosity of time makes this feel like a really supported and enjoyable process.I have told her she is like a ‘wizardess’ – she guides you to learn about yourself.

I have so much I could say about Sinead and can’t recommend her highly enough to anyone at any stage of their life or career.

© 2023 Sinead Rafferty Coaching - All Rights Reserved

Donegal, Ireland


