
What can coaching do for me?

If you haven’t experienced coaching yet, you might wonder what it’s all about.

I’d like to share some insights today to give you a better idea of what it actually is, what it can do for you and just how powerful it can be.

So what is coaching?

Coaching is an alliance between the coach and the client. It is a thought-provoking, creative process that inspires the full potential of the client, personally and professionally.

It’s about connecting you back to your own wisdom and highlighting your own answers and at the core, it is the purest form of education – it deepens your own learning so you can become self-reliant.

Coaching is future-orientated, goals & results driven and is based on trust, integrity and honesty.

Alignment coaching is a collaborative quest to find a way forward, to unblock your path, to inspire and motivate your ideas and reconnect you with your true path in life.

A coach is a confidante, creative soundboard, mirror, advisor & accountability partner.

When you bring in the support of a coach into your life – you are making a powerful commitment to YOU, your growth and learning.

Are you my friend?

Having a coach in your life is like having a good friend in your corner who has your back, who believes in you unwaveringly, when you don’t believe in yourself and who provides support when you need it.

But the power of the coach is that he/she is not your friend & has nothing to do with your life so they bring objectivity and fresh perspective to every area of your life, as well as a fearless commitment to getting to the heart of what is going on for you.

Are all coaches the same?

The merit of each coach and their methodology will depend on their background, training, qualification, experience, values and services. And their character - a good fit is essential.

I am a professional, certified career and business coach and I have a background in psychology, educational guidance and counselling. My approach is based on honesty, intuition and congruency.

As an alignment coach, my focus is on empowering passion-driven professionals and entrepreneurs to reconnect with their vision and pursue their dreams.

I focus on your happiness and authenticity – I shine a light on your path as you move towards a life and career where you can bravely be you in the world and accomplish your goals at the same time.

My methodology is based on realignment first, strategy second, while using all the tools in my toolkit - powerful questioning, brainstorming, training videos, reflective exercises, core identity work, goal setting, mindset work, law of attraction, visualisation etc…

I bring my professional knowledge and academic training to the coaching conversation - development psychology, career theories, counselling skills, business development, communication, education.

I provide the practical tools and techniques you need to reach your goals as well as addressing larger life issues such as fulfilment and balance.

Why did I become a coach?

It comes down to my passion for development or self-actualisation – i.e. individuals reaching their potential and living their life their way, expressing themselves fully through their work.

I am a natural empath, my work is very intuitive and I am a great listener – which is the basis of effective coaching. I listen intently with curiosity.

I also have an innate ability to bring my clients (gently) to the point where they are facing directly into their true nature – facing the blocks and challenges while embracing their unique character and all the while, dreaming BIG.

My top value is freedom - when I experienced coaching for myself and saw the incredible power of combining my self-knowledge with a growth mindset and forward-thinking strategy, I realised the shape of my life didn't have to be the same as everyone around me, I could follow my own vision of life!

This gave me a sense of freedom that I cherish and I love to share that learning with others.

You are in the driving seat.

I do not decide for you or suggest you follow any given direction, this is not my role. You are in the driving seat, I am here to help you navigate your journey and provide you with the tools to clarify where you want to go and why, and maximise your skills and strengths on the way.

Think of an Olympian swimmer - they work regularly with their coach for training - but they are in the water - they are the one doing the swimming. The rapport and understanding between athlete and coach is powerful and both are invested in the success of the athlete.

**Remember...there is nothing to fix or alter in you – that is not what coaching is about – coaching is about optimising and honouring who you are and what you want to become in life.

If you'd like to discuss working together - book a free clarity call here.

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Donegal, Ireland